is a sister site to Camerawe was started a few years ago as my main photography site before I started getting involved with barrel racing. I wanted to have a dedicated site for barrel racing and helping out the barrel racing community. I am learning the sport every day and might as well put down what I am learning.
While Camerawe will be all things I photograph will be the main stuff for barrel racing. The photos will still be in the Camerawe store for purchase though. No sense in having 2 photo stores.
On Southwestbarrels we pride ourselves in making your barrel racing photos affordable because we know that barrel racing and horse care in general is expensive. We offer $5 digital downloads.
Besides the photos at the events we are also taking live video which can be seen on our Facebook page and on our website after the events. Many of these events I see people filming on their smart phones and most of them are unsteady and sometimes they are on an unsteady horse and it doesn’t make for the best video. The live video is yours to share with friends. My favorite part of doing video is when out of state family members get to watch. I get emails from grandmothers all the time.
Up Coming Events
Part of the reason I started this site was because I was missing barrel racing events that were almost in my backyard. When I see an event now we share it on the Facebook page and in the future each event will have its own page.
Arena Information
We also want to provide arena information with the idea in mind that the barrel racer is going to that arena for the first time. You will sees things like restrooms and where water is available. We will also have the nearest gas stations that serve diesel. These will be served up in real time using the gas buddy app.
We also want to provide information on parking at these events and RV and overnight accommodations. But we also want to provide the latest information on nearby hotels just in case. You will also have one click driving directions
We also trying to provide local radar maps and advanced weather so that you know all the details before you leave your house. Before relying on any of this weather though I suggest you call the arena to see what the whether it’s before deciding not to go.
T Shirts
I make funny t shirts sometimes and they will be available for sale on our Amazon store. These purchases help keep our photography cost down. ๐
Barrel Racing Community
Spreading positivity for all barrel racers is the tone for the website. Anything we can do to help along the barrel racing community in a positive way we will do.